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Seven Naked Republicans make the top 20 list of most corrupt Congress members (plus Rep Don Sherwood in the Dishonorable Mention category). This is a list compiled by the fine folks at Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington, whose website is beyonddelay.org.
The Seven who made the list include no real surprises: Burns, Frist, Santorum, Blunt, Ken Calvert of California, and John Doolittle, from the Sacramento area. I was glad to see Rep. Don Sherwood of Pennsylvania get a dishonorable mention. He was involved in a domestic violence situation with a young woman who was not his wife, and while he denied choking her and assaulting her, as she alleged in an official complaint, he did settle out of court for an undisclosed sum of money. Just one look at his dancing eyes (right) and you can see why a 29 year old woman would fall for him, can't you? Me, neither.

Sherwood's Republican friends have rallied around him, of course, sending him campaign funds to make sure that a fine, upstanding citizen such as himself manages to hold on to his seat in Congress.
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