Thursday, November 02, 2006

No Sex Please, We’re Single
What Every Twenty-Something Should Know

If you have one chance to convince an independent or a Republican to vote Democratic this year, I’d like to suggest the following:

The Bush administration would like to spend your taxpayer dollars on convincing unmarried men and women not to have sex before age 30.

Yes, Abstinence Only—it’s not just for teens anymore. The Department of Health and Human Services, which administers the 50 million dollar program, has issued new guidelines telling the states that they can get funding to teach abstinence to anybody up to age 29.

The party that covered up Mark Foley’s stalking of teenagers, and the president who campaigned for a Congressman who admitted an affair with a 29 year old woman, would like to ask all you singles out there to just say no to sex, at least until you’re 30. (No telling whether there’s an exemption for members of Congress).

I know, I know, Iraq. Katrina. Health care. Social Security. Minimum Wage. Habeas corpus. Torture. Privacy rights.

Any and all of them should be reason enough to kick these clowns out of Washington.

But let’s face it, sex gets people’s attention, and for a simple, breath-taking example of over-bearing, self-righteous, intrusive, government over-reach, you really can’t do much better than funding abstinence only programs for unmarried adults.

By the way, where do you hold the classes? The party room at Applebee’s right before Happy Hour? Or maybe you recruit in the parking lot outside your local Speed Dating venue.

Your tax dollars at work, ladies and gentlemen. Now have you had enough?

Don't forget Naked Republicans, A Full Frontal Exposure of Right-Wing Hypocrisy and Greed.
Available wherever snarky but painfully true political observations are sold.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kalki Gaur, Editor World Press Club, Washington DC, 6:00 AM, Friday, November 3, 2006.
KING vs. PRIEST CLASH IN ELECTIONS: Vote Republicans in American Elections as it is a replay of Clash of King versus Priest and Business versus Crime. Republicans represent the interests of King and Business. Democrats represent the interests of Priest and Crime. Republicans want White House to be King over world’s Oil and Gas reserves and are pro-Business. Democrats want to make White House the Servant of the Church and Pope. Democrats created financial frauds as all frauds took place during Democratic Administrations, namely, Enron, WorldCom and Marc Rich. Elect Republicans and Dump Democrats. US Elections are classic war between Good versus Evil, except when in 4,500+ Election Canvassing Boards both parties join forces to fraudulently manipulate the entire election process to keep good politicians and third parties win elections.
GLOBALIZATION OF POLITICS FAVORS REPUBLICANS: All politics in America were local earlier that allowed Priests at the pulpit overwhelming clout in campaign fund raising, volunteer force mobilization and local level attitude formation. The Papacy, religious right conservative conspiracy took advantage of the situation to get their nominees elected, namely, archconservative Catholic John F. Kennedy, Masonic Lodge Leader Gerald Ford, Baptist Jimmy Carter and Baptist Bill Clinton, which allowed the Church to misuse the power of the White House to implement anti-pagan anti-Buddhist anti-Hindu patriarchal iconoclast intolerant monotheist agenda worldwide, in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Iran, Haiti, South Korea, China, Burma, Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, etc. The stagnant white Christian population and end of East European immigration, rising population of USA crossing 300 million mark and globalization of politics ended or lessened the role of Church in American elections and primaries nomination process. There is no permanent political machinery and political cadre except that of salaried or elected politicians in United States. The entire American election process is fraudulently manipulated at the grass root level at 4500+ County Canvassing Boards, which are controlled by salaries party officials of two major political parties, Republicans and Democrats. If Internet Political Blogosphere succeeds in mobilizing Voters turnout and voters voting behavior in American elections would result in the decline of the role of religious right conservative conspiracy in American election process. The American politics is heading towards Three Party System, where the new Third Party shall become the second strongest political party in America. Since Republican Party funded by secular leaders of economy and Oil, it would emerge stronger than the Democratic Party, which has ejected Blacks, Latinos and Immigrants from the top corridors of power. Before 2020 the top three political parties in declining order shall be Republican Party, Third Party, and Democratic Party. Remember as a sitting President Bill Clinton had declared that Pope John Paul II is the God’s representative on earth. No wonder patriotic Neocon WASPs fear that Democrats have a hidden agenda to transform Oval Office as an Executive Office working for the Church or Papacy. The Globalization of Politics means that the United States of 300+ million population would prefer Republicans over Democrats in Elections 2006 and 2008, to ensure that secular economic Oil interests determine US foreign policies rather than the diktat of the Church or Papacy.
GOOD GUYS Vs BAD GUYS: United States is a Two-Headed Giant, where First Head is of the Good Guy Republican America that wants to create American Empire. The Second Head is of Bad Guys Democrats that wants to make White House the Servant Quarters of the Church and Papacy. Good Guys want to Rule the Oil World, wage war on Terrorism and befriend India and Democracies. Bad Guys want Pope to Rule America and nurture Islamic Terrorism and Communist intolerance and overthrow democracies. Choice is yours. Vote your conscience on 7th November 2006. Vote for Virtue and Dump Evil.
REJECT DEMOCRATIC AGENDA OF DECEPTION NEWSPEAK DOUBLETHINK: Democratic Party, Presidents Administrations are experts in Deception and fool people by proving that Black is White, Upside is Downside, Good is Bad, Evil is Virtue and this is recognized worldwide as Wilsonian Policy of Deception Newspeak Doublethink. Republicans especially Bush and Rice are straight shooters. Petro-Pax-Americana in Afghanistan, Iraq and possibly Iran, is a Virtue and good for American economy and a moral imperative for War on Islamic Terrorism. Vote against Democratic Deception Newspeak. Clinton Carter Kennedy weakened America. Reagan and Bush empowered America and destroyed Communism.
DEMOCRATS UNFIT FOR OVAL OFFICE: American Blacks, Latinos and WASPs should vote for the Republicans in elections 206 and 2008 to protect and empower secular Petro-Pax-Americana. The Carter, Clinton and Kennedy Administrations represented the New Dark Age of Axis of Medieval that harmed the national interests of the United States by extra-constitutional misuse of the power of the White House to implement the hidden Iconoclast Monotheist Agenda of the Church. The Election 2006 is the electoral clash of Democratic Medievalism Vs Republican Machiavellian Colonialism. Democrats have offered no policy alternatives, except to deploy Inquisitions for Republican sexual digressions, the same Democrats who opposed Monica Lewinski allegations. The 2006 Election Clash of Religious Democratic Medievalism Vs Secular Republican Petro-Colonialism is a Real Choice for American Voters. Americans have to choose between Pope’s lobbyists or Oil lobbyists, and between Fundamentalism-Terrorism Axis or War on Terrorism. American Voters now have an election opportunity to choose between Democratic Religious Medievalism and accommodation of Islamic Terrorism and secular Republican Machiavellian Petro-Colonialism and War on Islamic Terrorism. Democrats want the Global New Dark Age to descend on Earth. Republicans wants the New Age of Colonialism in 21st Century. Democratic Party represents Dark Age Medievalism. Republican Party represents Secular Machiavellian Modernism. The Two Party System no longer represents the same wine in differently colored bottles. Jimmy Carter, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Samuel P. Huntington, Madeleine Albright represent the pro-China patriarchal iconoclast fundamentalist intolerant Axis of Medieval in American Politics that seeks to implement the End of Time eschatology of Prophetic Christians that conducte